
Professional Development

The Pinnacle Learning Trust

Togetherwe succeed


The role of our Trustees

Our trust board is the strategic decision-making body of our trust and is accountable and responsible for all the academies in the trust equally. 

Trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the trust and although the board delegates some of its responsibilities to a committee or an individual staff member, as set out in our Scheme of Delegation, accountability is not and cannot be delegated.

The trust board has three core functions: 

  1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction. 
  2. Holding the Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. 
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure that their money is well spent

Trustees are both the charity trustees and company directors of our trust and have statutory duties to exercise care, skill and diligence and avoid conflicts of interest. 

All trustees are aware of and accept ‘The Seven Principles of Public Life’, set out by Lord Nolan and endeavour to make decisions in the best interest of our pupils by welcoming a diverse range of viewpoints when debating decisions and remaining connected with and engaging with our communities and stakeholders. 


PLT Trustees 1 (ID 1255)

  • Andrew Kilburn
    Chair of Trustees
  • Cllr Ateeque Ur-Rehman
    Vice Chair of Trustees
  • Jayne Clarke OBE
    Accounting Officer | Chief Executive Officer

PLT Trustees 2 (ID 1256)

  • Irene Howard
    Co-opted Trustee
  • Chris Wilson
    Co-opted Trustee
  • Mike Pitt
    Co-opted Trustee
  • Gareth Cornell
    Co-opted Trustee

PLT Trustees 3 (ID 1257)

  • Rebekah Sutcliffe
    Member Appointed Trustee
  • Jennifer Lieveld
    Member appointed trustee
  • Saqab Rasul
    Member Appointed Trustee
  • Nigel Fowler
    Co-opted Trustee