Vision, Mission, Ethos & Values
Our Vision is…
Transforming the life chances of all our young people.
Our Mission is…
We seek to achieve our vision with a relentless determination to show our students and others we support, both within and beyond our trust what is possible by:
Expecting excellence and achieving the highest standards for young people; encouraging them to have the highest aspirations for themselves
Providing innovative training to staff so they are the best they can be
Working collaboratively to ensure best practice across trust schools and colleges and more widely so we continuously learn from one another
Building a portfolio of experiences and network of partners to enrich students' experiences
Providing a strong central services offer to allow leaders and teachers to focus on education.
Our Ethos is…
We aim to provide extraordinary opportunities for everyone, achieving a sense of belonging and significantly improving life chances.
Underpinning our daily activities are our values…
We aim to:
Celebrate children and young peoples’ uniqueness and inspire each one to flourish and become responsible, successful citizens who contribute positively to their communities and wider society
Offer exceptional learning environments which allow our colleagues, children and young people to thrive
Develop inspiring and inclusive leadership at all levels
Promote and celebrate diversity and inclusion by nurturing a sense of belonging in our academies and our trust.