
Professional Development

The Pinnacle Learning Trust

Togetherwe succeed

What Our Participants Say

Primary Leadership Development Programme

 I really enjoyed this session. It was incredibly useful to me as English subject lead thinking of my action plan which I will be implementing next year. I feel more confident in producing a high quality plan with specific and measurable targets.

Primary school teacher, Oldham

I feel more confident leading different people with different styles of leadership depending on their level of skill and enthusiasm.

Primary school teacher, Oldham

Very thought provoking and high level of training.

Primary school teacher, Oldham

Secondary Leadership Development Programme

I will 'prepare for failure' (work backwards from success) Think about 'How can I stop this from failing?'  I will ensure I am clear and 'tight' in my expectations of the team and give very direct instructions. I will use the 30 day pledge in my own classroom and the faculty.

Secondary School Subject Leader, Oldham.

New Bridge Multi Academy Trust has benefitted from a leadership development programme designed to support the development of its leaders at all levels. The team at The Pinnacle Learning Trust were able to work closely with our Trust to create a bespoke offer of training that met the needs and requirements of the participants. The flexibility of the offer has ensured access to leadership development for experienced staff as well as those at the start of their leadership journey. Pinnacle provided expert facilitators who worked with real authenticity. We would highly recommend the team at The Pinnacle Learning Trust to deliver training that can be developed in partnership with you to meet the needs of your organisation.

Liz O'Shaughnessy, Strategic Lead everyonelearning at Newbridge Multi Academy Trust.

Leadership for Managers

"I enjoyed reflecting on what I have learnt and the changes I have made in a short space of time, I also enjoyed listening to how others have also implemented what they have learnt. I will keep referring to my pack and my journal and hopefully use the things I have learnt to deal with the different challenges/situations and also better myself in the future."

Becky Lawton, North Chadderton School, Oldham